Video poker has been around literally as long as personal computers: the first machines showed up in the early-mid 1970s, as soon as it became possible to economically combine a video monitor with a CPU. The concept took off in the 1980s, where skittish gamblers found it less intimidating to play than table games but allowed player skill to have a hand in winnings, unlike slot machines.
Almost all video poker is done using five card draw poker rules: the player is dealt five cards, chooses which he or she wants to discard, and receives an equal number of cards back. They are then paid best on the poker hand they are holding.
Payouts for video poker hands are usually given in a schedule near a machine or within the game itself and are very important to pay attention to. In the early days of video poker, the highest paying schedule for each common variant of the game was called “full-pay,” with any machines that paid less titled “short-pay.” Occasionally you will see a machine with a payout schedule better than full-pay for that game type, but this is rare, as expected returns for perfect play are often very near 100% for full-pay machines. Below I present other video poker games if you decide you want to try something other than Deuces Wild Video Poker!
Deuces Wild Video Poker Slots
- 3 Deuces Hold if you have a Wild Royal Flush or Five of a Kind (so non-Deuces are a pair), otherwise just hold the 3 Deuces. The above is a guideline only in order to optimize your chances of winning, like many casino games, players do like to trust their instinct so feel free to do the same.
- Play Casino Poker for free online! Search MSN Games. Dueces Wild Poker. Genre: Card & Casino. If you like Dueces Wild Poker.
Deuces Wild Poker Slots
Deuces Wild This all-time favorite video poker game comes alive at Slots Of vegas! In this fun game deuces (2s) are wild and special payouts are awarded to 4-of-a-kind deuces and Royal Flushes composed of wild deuces.